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Content | Storytelling that Resonates with Realism for Real Results

It's no longer enough to focus on keyword search and advertising, channel saturation, brand consistency, segmentation and localization to attract eyeballs. Keeping them engaged requires that you feed their appetite for relevant content that provides meaningful and immediately useful content! That is, if your goal is to build a strong customer and prospect nurturing strategy that increases leads and conversions.

SME content is likely your most under-utilized marketing asset. Days are gone where content produced in “look how much I know-see how smart I am" fashion or as polished but still boring data and statistics dumps” then relegated to live and sometimes die on your website in your “Insights, Industry News or Publications web pages!

Your content must be created, curated and re-purposed to maximize its ability to effectively engage and move decision-makers and influencers into the sales funnel.

Additionally, you should craft internal and external communications to effectively leverage SME knowledge and capitalize on all opportunities to distribute it across multiple platforms. Doing so aids retention, supports brand loyalty strategies, creates a catalyst for peak performance demand generation campaigns and results in better lead conversion. Content done right, is a strong stimulant for positive customer behavior and ultimately can lead to repeat or expanded business.

What will your success look like?

  • Increased website traffic

  • Increase in new prospects into the sales funnel

  • Measured improvement in customer nurturing and retention metrics

  • Increased LTV (lifetime customer value) customer satisfaction, and employee advocacy.

  • Increase in defined customer engagement metrics (user action)

  • Positive brand recognition and consistency across all channels

  • Increased social media connections along with more favorable engagement actions (views, likes, shares, etc.)

  • Conversion metrics as defined and revenue growth

  • Positive customer feedback and survey data

  • Increases in search engine keyword ranking

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